scrapbooks - How Preparing Your Scrapbook.

How Preparing Your Scrapbook.

Determining the right album for you is the first step
to preserve your memories. Comes in many albums
sizes, themes, and style. Album of the most common size
is 12x12 and 9x9. If you feel a greater album
You can choose to take an 8x10 scrapbook. This Tulisa
would be a good choice if you feel you will not have
enough to display the photos in an album 12x12.

Chapter 1:
Create your first scrapbook can seem incredible;
However, with these tips can be very
valuable experience. When you decide to start on your
scrapbook you should ask yourself some questions.

? What is the purpose of this album? To whom or what
I created this?

? How do I choose the size and style albums
is the easiest for me to make my scrapbook?

? What are the basic supplies I will need to complete
my albums?

? How many photos do I need to fill in my album? Am I
available a copy of the photos will I use?

? What is the easiest and least expensive to design
theme for my album?

? How much time should I spend my
scrapbook? What shortcuts can I do to save time
and money?


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